A Simple Way to Give Authentic Peer Recognition

Build a culture of appreciation with Applause

Effortlessly share and highlight peer recognition

Check out a person’s profile to see work they were recognized for, giving you context about what they worked on and the unique skills and perspective they bring. As a leader, it’s easy to sign up to be notified every time someone on your team, in your office, or across the Org receives peer recognition. Since everyone takes in information differently, we've made it easy to customize how you learn about Applause, from weekly email updates to instant Slack notifications.

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Add context to performance reviews

Since they’re on the ground working together every day, recognition from peers often means the most. Managers can have more meaningful conversations with employees about their growth when they have access to qualitative feedback about great work.

”In the most productive workplaces, appreciation is expressed by a manager to an employee or an employee to an employee at least once every seven days.“

Forbes Coaches Council

Add context to performance reviews

Research shows that peer recognition at work builds trust, productivity, employee engagement, and morale! That’s a lot of impact for something so easy. Applause lives on the homepage, meaning people across the company can take part in giving a “+1” to their coworkers’ recognition.


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